All Saints' Parish Church Walton- on- the- Naze

To know God's love and to show God's love

Al Saints' Logo

                    Coming soon..  

 Three Ts (Tea, Talk & Talent): Friday 14th February, 2.30 - 4.00 pm in the Hall. Cost: £2.50. 

 The Work of the Royal British Legion with new Chairman            Neil Hayes and Chaplain Rev’d Peter Edwards 

 Beetle Drive: Come and join the fun at St George’s Hall, Hall Lane, Walton, on Saturday 22nd February. Doors open at 2.00 pm, start at 2.30 pm. Scone/ jam/cream, cake and tea. Raffle and book stall. Tickets: £5.00 per person, from Sian on 01255-678383. 

 All proceeds to All Saints’ Parish Church.


 Sermon from Sunday 17th November 2024

Heb 10:19-25 (p.1208); 

Mk 13:1-8 (p.1019)

Preacher: The Rev'd Stephen Chandler                                                  

Sermon from Sunday 3rd November 2024

Revelation 21 : 1-6a (page 1249) 

John 11 : 32-44 ( “ 1078) 

Preacher: The Rev'd Peter Edwards                                                      


                                               notice hyperlink

                                                             coming soon          

parish link small  

                      Click on the Icon below:All previous sermons, online services, and three minute reflections may be found on our Youtube Channel.    


Please help us to continue with the Mission and ongoing work of our Church by making online donations. Clicking on the links below will take you to our Sum up Page.


Donate Here



Requests from the Walton Foodbank can be found here


If you need to speak to someone in connection with All Saints, here are some useful numbers.

Our Priest-in-Charge is: The Rev’d Peter Edwards 01255-675351 Tel. No. 01255-675351 Regular day off: Tuesday 

                                 Churchwarden Corwin Schol 07957 307213                                                   Regular day off: Thursday 

            Notice Sheet:  Please send items for inclusion to:                    01255-679895 by Wednesday midday to ensure inclusion. 

The Media 

Find us on Facebook: all saints’ walton on the naze 

You can also find us on YouTube: All Saints’ Walton


If you would like to be in touch by email, please use the Contact Us link at the top of this page.



We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website:,                              

or on the Safeguarding pages of the Chelmsford Diocese: 


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Thea Roper, who may be contacted at the Church Office or her details can be found on the noticeboard in church. Alternatively you can contact her at 






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