All Saints' Parish Church Walton- on- the- Naze

To know God's love and to show God's love

Upcoming Events

Used Postage Stamps/The R.N.L.I. Jill Pert is collecting used postage stamps for the RNLI. If you have any to give, please cut (not tear) them from the envelope, leaving a very small margin and leave them in pigeonhole ‘P’ at the back of church. Many thanks. 

All Saints’ Welcome Team: Is God calling you to join our team of welcomers for Sunday services? Could you commit to being on the door once a month? - or perhaps being on our reserve list? The ministry of welcome is a crucial part of the worshipping life of any church. We have a great team here at All Saints’, but it needs to grow! Come along to our coffee morning on         Saturday 11th January at 10.30 am in church. This will be for all current members of the team, together with those who would like to join. Please have a word with Sian Fletcher or Rev’d Peter if you are interested. 

Thank you to all who have offered to help with the purchase of new hymn books. There has been an excellent response to this appeal and we are well on the way to raising what we need. If you would still like to offer a gift, please have a word with Rev’d Peter. We look forward to purchasing the new books in the New Year.

hymns ancient and modern


                    Three T’s (Tea, Talk & Talent): 

Programme :

Friday 10th January, 2.30 - 4.00 pm, in the Hall. Cost: £2.50. Open House with Krys Singleton.

Luff Home:

Next Sunday    at 3.00 pm, it is our turn to take

the afternoon service at Luff Home, 2-4 Luff Way    (at the

Triangle Shopping Centre). If you can, please join residents

in the lounge. Brenda

care home singing

Monday - Saturday 7.30 a.m. Morning Prayer

Monday Prayer meeting:  

Every Monday in the Parish Church Hall at 10 am for 45 minutes. All are welcome. Please come with people, places and situations on your heart and mind; topics can range from the personal to the global. 

 Bible Clinic

Every Wednesday in the Parish Church Hall, 11.15 am with coffee (finishing 12 noon). Come along with a verse of Scripture you’d like to share and discuss. It might be something familiar or obscure; a verse you find helpful or very challenging. We will talk about it and pray through it together.